This is the webinar training page for Clinical Service users.
The training consists of 3 videos, some accompanying information to be read after the videos and finally a short test which needs to be completed and submitted in order to pass this course. The test can be found at the bottom of this webpage. You will need to return to this page after each video.
Video Number One (Running time 23 mins)
Video Number Two (Running time 14 mins)
Video Number Three (Running time 7 mins)
Please now read the important additional information and complete the test at the bottom of the page.
It has come to light that some phones may rarely show people in reverse. If your consultation requires correct identification of left and right on the person please carry out the following procedure. Ask them to hold up anything with writing on that you can read. If you can read the writing normally they are orientated to you as if facing you in real life. If not their camera may have reversed them. This is the safest procedure to confirm this as patients may not know left from right easily or be left handed so relying on writing hand may not help.
As well as using the invite button discussed in the video. It is also now possible to admit two callers from the waiting area into the same call. This may be useful for instance if you have booked a translator or a family member also wishes to join. Simply ask both parties to log in to the waiting area. Answer the patient call and gain permission to admit the other party. The patient call will have commenced in a new browser tab. Go back to the original waiting area browser tab and select the other party to admit, click on them and select “add to call” you will then be asked to confirm that you are adding them to your existing call, confirm this and you will re-enter the call with both parties in the same way as using the invite button.
Putting patients and clients back into the waiting room and/or leaving family members to have a private discussion
During a call with a patient or client, including any calls where family members are present, if you click the red “End” button and select the option “Leave the call (just me)” this will take you out of the call and put the patient or client back into the waiting room where they can be answered again by yourself or another clinician. However if there are other people present on the call, like family members or a translator, they will also go back into the waiting room where they can be picked up again by yourself or another clinician, but the family members will stay together in the call where they can continue to have their own private discussion.
So this button does both of these things.
Webinar Test (please complete the following test when ready)
Please ensure your emails addresses are carefully entered and remember to click done when finished. You will be notified by email the next working day (Mon – Fri) of your result. Good luck.