Are you looking to run a group therapy session or group education session online via video? Are you looking to move an existing group to online via video? Do you work with NHS Wales?

This training will show you how to:

  • Gather all the information needed before the session
  • Securely, safely and confidentially invite all participants to the session
  • Safely and securely run the session
  • Use top tips and protocols for running a video session
  • Monitor for and deal with any unacceptable behaviour 
  • Close the session down safely and securely
  • Securely, safely and confidentially follow up with all participants
  • Full Attend Anywhere training (which is the preferred platform to use to facilitate an online group session)

The Attend Anywhere training will include logging in, waiting areas, screen explanation, conducting a group consultation, function buttons within a group set up including breakout rooms. Plus, how to manage waiting areas, how to add and remove users and how to make changes to the waiting area settings. We will also show you how a consultation on Attend Anywhere is conducted. Following the full Attend Anywhere training you will be granted an account by your Health Board. If you have an Attend Anywhere account already you can leave after 2.5 hours.

This training is suitable for any clinicians or administrators within NHS Wales who wish to set up and run group therapy sessions or group education sessions via video.

The training session will last approximately 3 Hours and there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions and join in with the discussions.

* You will receive a Teams invitation email to join the training session 24 hours before the training commences*