
We’re delighted to announce that our Research and Evaluation Lead, Gemma Johns, is amongst this year’s cohort of Bevan Exemplars

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The annual Bevan Exemplars Programme is open to anyone working in NHS Wales, Social Care Wales, Local Government or within Regional Partnership Boards. The successful Bevan Exemplars are health and care staff from across Wales who are supported by the Bevan Commission to develop and test their own innovative ideas over a 12-month period.

Each year the programme focuses on a different theme, with this year’s theme being: ‘Doing Things Differently for a Prudent, Sustainable Recovery’.

Gemma’s project, titled TEC-Plus Package, will utilise the evidence base already available in TEC Cymru and, alongside evidence from her project, develop additional clinical support and evidence-based guidelines for using digital healthcare.

Surgeons, clinicians working in bereavement services, and clinicians working with eating disorder patients, are some of the clinical groups Gemma will be working with.

The project will be further supported by the TEC Cymru Patient and Public Involvement Lead & Young Person Representative (YPR) groups, as well as the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Wales. Other contributors will include the Maudsley Psychiatric Team in London and Professor Alka Ahuja MBE, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist & TEC Cymru’s National Clinical Lead.

Gemma said:

“The project looks outside of a TEC perspective and inside a clinical research perspective. It’s not about how to use the technology, it’s about how best to use the technology.”

We look forward to seeing Gemma’s progress over the next 12-months. Keep an eye on the TEC Cymru website for updates.