It’s been a busy year for the Telecare Programme. In January 2022, we cemented our relationship with the Vale of Glamorgan as their migration to a digital Alarm Receiving Centre platform began. We worked alongside them and the supplier of the software, Enovation. The Telecare Programme provided dedicated Project Management resource, ensuring a robust plan was in place to deliver against the milestones. The Vale are now ‘live’, equipped with a modern, cloud based digital ARC platform to ensure their citizens are supported as we move closer to the analogue telephony switch-off (scheduled for December 2025.)
The Beyond Digital projects outlined in our Strategy are well underway. The Minimum Telecare Dataset document is complete and will be rolled out to Welsh Telecare Service Providers in 2023. This document was co-created with TEC Scotland, Welsh Telecare service providers and had input from senior officials in NHS Wales. The document outlines the 54 key metrics required for capture by Welsh Telecare service providers. Once the datasets are embedded into a service, we will provide a Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard. The BI Dashboard will give unique insights to service providers, providing a real-time automated view of their data. The plan for late 2023 is to develop a National Telecare BI Dashboard, outlining the landscape for Telecare in Wales. Metrics will include total number of Telecare service users, length of stay, types of health condition and the types of calls faced. In mid-2023 we will onboard a PHD student who will look at Telecare related data from the context of human centred Artificial Intelligence (AI). We’ll start to build a predictive model for Telecare service providers, understanding more about citizen behavioural patterns, moving towards a more proactive, predictive approach, away from purely reactive service models.
We have welcomed new members to the team in 2022, with Sarah Turvey-Barber joining as Business Change Manager, leading on our Engagement and strategic partnerships within the Telecare Programme. We also welcomed a Business Intelligence Analyst and Data Advocate, both with prior experience and knowledge within the Telecare sector. We will shortly be recruiting a Senior Project Manager, who will have responsibility for the roll out of the Beyond Digital projects, and services migrating to digital ARC software.
We have made considerable leaps since Sarah joined in our relationship-building across Welsh Telecare. We have made contact and established our plan of support with 21 of the 22 Welsh councils, and work will continue in this vein with housing association providers. The Telecare Learning Improvement Network for Wales was re-launched in November 2022 with a record attendance joining, to hear about the work underway and our plans for the future. We also built and launched the TEC Cymru Telecare website. This will continue to be iterated against throughout 2023, as we continue offering support to service providers navigating the tricky waters of digital migration.
Key achievements for the Telecare Programme in 2022